Tuesday, December 30, 2008


2008 was a bit heavy but lets hope 2009 brings love, happiness and luck to us all.

A lot has been happening in my world lately. Don't worry I haven’t forgotten to fill you all in. When the New Year begins I’ll promise that this blog will have a fresh start and as will I. Which means that my life will not only have a new beginning but a new setting.

This year my New Years resolution is to make sure that I don't slip into any of my old mistakes, even if it is a bit more comfortable than the new me.

So, lets all put our glasses together for a happy and healthy New Year!! I wish you all well and hope that you are spending your last moments of 08 with those you love most.




Missy said...
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Missy said...

Have a great New Year!

SheBloggs said...

I've nominated you the Honesty Award. Your blog is great!